As the former Chair of the Texas Clean Energy Coalition, Kip Averitt is an expert in legislative strategy, communications, and community outreach. He came to this position with a cultivated expertise from decades in public service. After serving nine-and-a-half years in the Texas House of Representatives, including two terms as Chairman of the House Committee on Financial Institutions, Averitt was elected to the Texas Senate in April of 2002. Averitt was Chairman of the powerful Senate Committee on Natural Resources. His legislative experience and in-depth understanding of complex issues repeatedly won the respect and recognition of his Senate colleagues and the legislative leadership. Since opening Averitt & Associates in 2010, Averitt has been recognized for his expertise and leadership on water policy and water conservation and clean energy issues.
Averitt earned a BBA and MBA in economics and finance from Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He is currently the Principal at Averitt & Associates.