C1 Revue: Doubt, Deception, Defiance

Lowell Bergman

Stanton Glantz
Kenneth Kimmell

William K. Reilly

Tim DeChristopher

Georgia Hirsty

Brendon Steele
Today, we’re going to extreme ends of climate change debate... and action. While most of us are still comfortable sitting in the center – perhaps accepting the science, but not doing much about it – there are some organizations and individuals who are willing to jump off a bridge to convince us of the peril we face. And there are others who are using misinformation and deception to try to sow doubt in our minds about whether there is any problem at all.
Part 1: Cigarettes and Tailpipes
Lowell Bergman, Investigative Journalist
Stanton Glantz, Director, Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, UCSF
Kenneth Kimmell, President, Union of Concerned Scientists
William K. Reilly, Senior Advisor, TPG
Part 2: Fighting Fossil Fuels all the Way to Prison
Tim DeChristopher, Founder, Climate Disobedience Center
Georgia Hirsty, National Warehouse Program Manager, Greenpeace
Brendon Steele, Director of Stakeholder Engagement, Future 500