Tony Juniper

Author, What Has Nature Done For Us? How Money Really Does Grow on Trees

Tony Juniper sees investing in nature as a huge opportunity for big businesses. As the author of What Has Nature Done For Us? How Money Really Does Grow on Trees, Juniper summarizes the elements of nature that are beneficial to humanity, from soil that stores carbon to wetlands that reduce the impacts of coastal natural disasters. Drawing from his decades of experience as an environmental activist, Juniper worked as a Special Advisor to the Prince of Wales Charities' International Sustainability Unit.

Juniper is also the author of Saving Planet Earth and Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World. He has advised companies including Danone, Interserve, and Skanska, assisting with their sustainability strategies.



Nature's Price Tag

July 26, 2013
An emerging area of economics aims to put a price on nature as a way of justifying preserving it in societies dominated by the wisdom of markets....