Guests by Date

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David Hogg

David Hogg

Gun control activist; Cofounder, March for Our Lives, Leaders We Deserve
Neta C. Crawford

Neta C. Crawford

Montague Burton Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford
Shelley Welton

Shelley Welton

Presidential Distinguished Professor of Law and Energy Policy, University of Pennsylvania Carey School of Law and the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy
Terri Gerstein

Terri Gerstein

Director, The Labor Initiative, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University

Guests by Last Name

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Dan Adler

President, California Clean Energy Fund

Alicia Aguirre

Former Mayor, Redwood City; Member, Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Ashia Ajani

Ashia Ajani

Storyteller, Climate Justice Educator, Mycelium Youth Network

Ken Alex

Director, Governor Jerry Brown's Office of Planning and Research